Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Perspective Concept: Tea Pot

Today we drew out of a container what our concept for the upcoming perspective project would be.  Mine was a Tea Pot.  Although this item will be a bit tricky for making into a composition I believe I already have an idea of how I want to proceed.

The elements of design reflect this concept in the following ways.  I have adjusted them for this project to fit my needs.

Space: Small.  It will need to be a zoomed view.
Line: Clean, bold, and elegant.
Color: Typically varies.  For this it will be fairly dull.
Value: Contrast will be low, except for the lines.
Form: Blocky, with an exploded appeal.
Shape: Container-esque, spout, top.
Texture: Smooth, polished, possibly unusual for contrast against concept item.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Draft Diagram: Weatherspoon Art Museum

For this look at the museum and how someone moves through the space I wanted to take on the perspective of disability and how it may affect the experience.

This first attempt at capturing the movement through those circumstances was sketched on site.  In this I wanted to represent a rough layout of the space and show mainly only the places which were clearly accessible.  Highlights in this and the other diagrams are the handicap ramp and the elevator.
This second rendition was drawn from a floor plan located on the Weatherspoon Art Museums website.  Although the plan isn't exact, it shows what was necessary for my purposes.  Here is also a rough layout of the travel habits/restrictions of the space, which is fully revised in the final diagram.
In this final draft diagram I have color coded accessibility.  Green areas and pathways mean that they can be traversed by anyone, blue means that it may be difficult for wheelchairs or those with movement difficulties to traverse, and red shows where only those with full ambulatory capabilities will most likely travel.

In retrospect this look at the space tells me how much we as designers need to consider when doing anything, from the smallest aesthetic to the major build.  Consideration needs to be a major part of our process.