Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Solar Decathlon Team 5 Presentation

The following was my team's presentation to Team Tidewater Virginia for their consideration during their interior design planning.  Along with this presentation we provided a booklet which included additional drawings, plans, and sections that are not included here.  This presentation was weeks in the making and for our efforts Team Tidewater Virginia and our professors chose our team's concept for the class to develop further for a final design.

Light Series 1

8-31-12  9am   As in each of the following studies the subject was the far wall where most of the light from the window hits.  This window is North facing and so it receives diffused light, especially at this time of the day.  For this study the brightest point was in the middle of the wall and gradually darkened toward the extremities.

9-8-12  9am   On this day the sky was overcast and dim.  This reflects on the interior light by being even more diffused and dimmer.

9-21-12  9am   As the season moves on the lighting becomes dimmer in the earlier hours of the day.  This dimming also effects the position of the bright spot on the wall which moves toward the right side when dim and the left when bright.

10-3-12  9am   Here again we see the gradual progression into the season.

10-3-12  12pm   This study was the brightest of them all being at noon time.  The bright spot covers almost the entire wall and darker areas are harder to come by.

10-3-12  3pm   At this time the study was similar if not almost exact to the 9am study.  The reason being that it is on the direct opposite side of the noon time cycle.

10-3-12  6pm   For this final study we find the time of day in this season to be rather dark.  Not to mention that the weather outside was also gloomy and added to that condition.  Little to no bright spot can be seen here.

Light Series 2

Gallery Space

Restaurant Space

Retail Space